Collage essay
Management Control Systems Term Paper Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Alibaba Essay Example for Free
Alibaba Essay He and his group have accomplished numerous firsts in the region of Chinese Internet Trade. He established the primary web business site in China, and made a 82B commercial center stage to all little and medium-sized ventures in Asia and around the globe. He advanced the Trust Pass plan on the site, which made the universes first on-line credit stage for organizations. Under Jack Mas administration, the Alibaba 82B sites have pulled in excess of 17 million enrolled individuals in 220 nations all inclusive, with day by day postings surpassing 35 million, making Alibaba. om the most dynamic Internet commercial center and 82B people group around the world. Since the initiation of the organization, in excess of 400 media have revealed about Alibaba and Jack Ma, in many dialects. Notwithstanding various honors introduced to Alibaba. com, Jack Ma was lso chosen by the World Economic Forum as one of the 100 Young Global Leaders in 2001; was named Business Leader of 2001 by Asia Commerce Association of USA; and was included on the fronts of Forbes Magazine, Nikkei Magazine, and Fortune (China) Magazine. In 2004, Jack Ma was respected as one of the Top 10 Economic Personas of the Year by CCTV. In 2005, Fortune Magazine positioned him one of the 25 Most Powerful Businesspeople in Asia and this year Business 2. 0 positioned him 1 fifth among 50 Who Matter Now and Silicon. com positioned him 1 lth among its best 50 Agenda Setters 2006. organization, Alibaba. om assembles its business achievement and fast development on enterprise, advancement, and administration. Says Jack Ma: The organization will stay a beginning up regardless of to what extent it has been in presence. What ever has been steady, I will upset that steadiness. The organization needs to proceed to enhance and develop. I need the representatives to accept that we are a little organization, regardless of how enormous we get. I accept we can make a framework and culture to propagate this culture of innovative and start-up soul. To fuel the pioneering and creative soul, alongside a help mentality, Jack Ma is searching for individuals with the accompanying qualities: 1) People with a fantasy. Dont let your partners work for you. They have to work for their fantasies! In the event that individuals dont put stock in the fantasy and Join the organization only for cash, they wont remain long (allude to Appendix 2 for Alibabas vision, crucial, values). 2) People with shared qualities. The worth framework is significant at Alibaba. We are insane for it! In China, we may be the main insane organization who so firmly keeps up our worth framework. Individuals who dont fit our qualities can't get by in the organization. (Alibabas six mineral qualities are client starts things out, collaboration and participation, grasping change, uprightness, energy, and respecting your Job). 3) People with a grin. At the point when we enlist individuals, we search for individuals who are normally idealistic and upbeat. In the beginning up process we will address with challenges and difficulties. Idealistic and upbeat individuals can more readily manage these difficulties and succeed. Its difficult to fulfill an individual miserable, yet its considerably harder to satisfy a despondent individual. I am ready to tell whether an individual is on our staff by their grin. 4) People who appreciate work and can transform pressure and difficulties into development. Workers must have the option to deal with weight and difficulties, and transform them into positive vitality for development, not negative vitality for sorrow. 5) People who cooperate. We dont welcome individuals who think they are brilliant on the grounds that they may think they are above others. This industry is new to such an extent that it truly doesnt have any genuine gifts. The individuals who are genuine gifts most likely dont realize they are abilities. Everybody has gigantic potential. We as a whole utilize different people groups qualities to defeat our shortcomings We are altogether common individuals, yet our objectives are exceptional. While Alibaba looks for individuals with solid rofessional abilities, these qualities are considerably progressively significant in choosing whether an individual will Join, remain, and appreciate working in the organization. 2 Alibabas Unique Value Proposition †a Smiling Community with a Dream While Alibaba is clear about what sort of ability they requirement for business achievement, the inquiry is: by what method can the organization pull in, hold, and connect such ability, particularly in the startup stage, when Alibaba had constrained assets? The appropriate response is a fantasy, a fantasy to have any kind of effect in the manner individuals work together, and a fantasy to make riches together. During the beginning up phase of Alibaba, Jack Ma frequently told those nterested in working for Alibaba, not of the extraordinary working conditions or the significant salary, of what they could acquire somewhere else. Alibaba additionally endeavors to give a network, where representatives can have a ton of fun to cooperate to seek after their fantasies with negligible administration and legislative issues. Mama as of late painted a striking picture of his optimal workplace for his representatives as follows: Blue Sky Processes, frameworks, and choices should be open and straightforward. Theres nothing that ought to be avoided workers. We ought to be straightforward. Strong Ground Everything we do ought to be straightforward, moral and add to the government assistance of the ociety. The organization ought to be on strong money related ground so workers wont stress over the budgetary eventual fate of the organization. Free-streaming Ocean Talent must be permitted to pivot Jobs across auxiliaries and offices. Green Forest (R Conducive conditions for proceeded with advancement. Agreeable Community Peers with shared qualities and straightforward relational connections. A definitive goal of such a network is to offer representatives a workplace to develop, contribute, and experience their fantasies. Organization, mystery, and stagnation are generally characteristics that restrain representatives, and the organization should effectively search out these ehaviors and crush them. Alibaba from the Eyes of Employees To what degree do workers at Alibaba experience what the organization plans to offer? For what reason do they Join the organization and how would they feel as representatives functioning there? Our center gathering conversation with representatives in various capacities and levels affirms that Alibaba is undoubtedly a remarkable organization to work with. The accompanying subjects and direct citations catch their encounters and the sentiment of working at Alibaba: A pioneer with moxy and validity: Jack Ma is the magnet that brings individuals into the organization and gives them a sound dream. At the point when I talked with Jack Ma, I was dazzled with his vision and plan of action. I had been in the web business for some time however had not seen a fruitful model like the one Alibaba is utilizing. Tang Zhenrong, International Website Engineering Department, and one year with the organization. Despite the fact that the goals for every year appear to be high, by one way or another we have consistently figured out how to achieve those targets. With past progress, we have developed certainty that had the option to accomplish the targets regardless of what they are. Lili Li, Sales Research Department, six years with the organization. The enthusiasm of Alibaba is from inside and transmits outward to other people. We can see that they genuinely have faith in the organization and the way of life of Alibaba is worked from that point, not by projects or procedures. Reverberation Lu, Director of Organization and People Development. The organization is consistent with its qualities at all levels. At the point when Jack Ma converses with the board about recruiting, he revealed to us that we should employ individuals With a similar smell. Zhang Yu, Director of Marketing, Taobao. com Changes, difficulties, and development: People develop constrained to change and develop. The speed of progress is three to multiple times that of different associations. The goals are insane, yet when we reach and outperform the objectives, we at that point have a significant feeling of achievement. With the steady weight and changes, were additionally compelled to assess how we do our own Jobs and how we fill in as a group. Is it adequate to achieve the new goals? Do we have to take a gander at the test diversely and attempt various things? Zhang Yu, Director of Marketing, Taobao. om 4 Communication and straightforwardness Jack will meet with every single new worker in a gathering setting, has gatherings with the executives at any rate quarterly, and half-yearly workforce gatherings with all representatives. On the intranet, theres a BBS that permits staff to post their contemplations and conclusions. Jack frequently connects with staff on the BBS in an open and easygoing manner. Reverberation Lu, Director of Organization and People Development An organization that thinks about representatives During the SARS emergency, in light of one speculated case, Alibaba settled on the choice in one day to have all representatives telecommute and to pass the necessary seclusion time frame. Because of this speedy activity, we contained any conceivable episode, May. Workers kept on performing Jobs colossally well at home. We energized each other through BBS, calls, and messages. Lili L, Sales Research Department The best thing to result from the SARS emergency was a gigantic measure of pride for workers who experienced this emergency together. They assembled a solid bond through encountering this occasion together. Its still a much discussed occasion in the organization. Truth be told, a few workers have named the day that staff were sent home to contain the episode, Alibaba Day, to honor the occasion. The soul of Alibaba woke up on that day. Reverberation Lu, Director of Organization and People Development Leadership and Management Practices that Create the Unique Value Proposition Leadership need: As CEO, Jack Ma puts the greater part of his time in three regions: vision/strategic, clients, and workers. By obviously articulating and continually conveying the vision and strategic the organization, he makes the most significant establishment in pulling in exceptional ability. Dont let your associate work for you, yet work for their fantasies! Likewise, it is imperative to profoundly comprehend client needs, not contenders activities. Understanding client needs can help Alibaba create solid strategies and spotlight on understanding its fantasy. At last, it is likewise basic to sensibly evaluate the capabilities of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Botticelli Essays (589 words) - Spring, Nude Art, Roman Goddesses
Botticelli McGaharan 1 Jon McGaharan AP Art History Mrs. Johnston 1 December 1999 Botticelli, Sandro. Primavera. Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. Imprint Harden's Artchive. By Mark Harden. Accessible Botticelli's perfect work of art, Primavera, delineates a scene of moderate moving beauty in what has all the earmarks of being a legendary nursery. The genuine subject of this perfect work of art is obscure, yet there are volumes of thoughts concerning the reasons and implications the artistic creation could have. Regardless of the disarray the work of art is generally appreciated and respected as Botticelli's best works. The scene has all the earmarks of being a spring morning, with a pale light infiltrating the straight vertical trees out of sight. The trees seem to hold up under brilliant apples, a potential reference to the legend of Venus and the brilliant apple which appears to be possible considering Venus shows up in the focal point of the artistic creation underneath the incredible overhang gave by the trees. Brilliant apples are likewise the characteristic of the Three Graces, the handmaidens of Venus, likewise appeared in this work. Chloris, the antiquated Greek goddess of blossoms, is escaping from Breeze, the west wind of springtime whom sires blossoms, on the correct side of the painting. At the point when Zephyr gets her in his grip blossoms spill from her lips and she changes into Flora the Roman goddess of blossoms. Greenery is delineated independently from Chloris and is wearing blooms as she dissipates blossoms over the ground. In the middle is a stately Venus with a guarantee of happiness. Above Venus is the baby Cupid, blindfolded and pointing his bolts of affection. To one side the Three Graces move in quiet fantasy of beauty. They are isolated from different figures in time as showed by their hair blowing in the inverse heading from Zephyr's blasts. The figure on the outrageous left is that of Mercury, delivery person of the divine beings. He gives a male partner to Zephyr. Breeze is relaxing love and warmth into McGaharan 2 a stormy world while Mercury is redirecting this articulation to an all the more socially worthy structure, thinking about the setting of the timeframe, by opening the scene to the divine beings. The scene has a fantasy like quality. The subject is by all accounts undecided, the delicate yet solid hues give the figures nearness and weight, yet the figures additionally appear to be deficient or illusory. The light figures of the artwork intensely stand out from the dull foundation of the woods. The ground doesn't appear to be available yet blossoms are dispersed on it adding to the illusory condition of the work. The image is orchestrated by the equivalent appropriation of figures over the image plane. There is a moderate moving cadence to the way the figures move added to by the different motions of their arms, smooth and exquisite. It is intriguing to take note of that the hand of the escaping Chloris as it covers, and seems to mix into, the arm of Flora. Botticelli lived from 1445 to 1510 in Florence. In spite of his singularity as a Renaissance painter, he stayed minimal known for a considerable length of time after his demise until his work was rediscovered late in the nineteenth century. Botticelli was an understudy of the painter Fra Filippo Lippi. He was charged to accomplish this work in the wake of getting a charge out of progress over his work Venus furthermore, Mars, a purposeful anecdote of War and Love, for the Medici families. Lorenzo di Piefrancesco de'Medici appreciated Mars and Venus so much he charged Botticelli for two works, Primavera and The Birth of Venus. These works are viewed as his best works. I picked this piece since I looked into Mars and Venus and found the style of Botticelli style charming. The riddle of this specific artistic creation intrigued me. The reality that researchers can't comprehend the specific subject of the work includes a component of secret to the work. Catalog on paper Craftsmanship Essays
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Ideals of Fdr Free Essays
FDR: The Great American President Jacob WagmanProfessor Christy ChapinHIST102Due: 25OCT12 Franklin Delano Roosevelt is effectively the best leader of his time. He had the absolute best way to deal with the monetary issues and social issues that followed the financial issues of the time. Numerous individuals would state that he couldn’t settle on choices for himself as a result of how he was continually changing his thoughts however in truth, his arrangement was to do whatever it took to work and he was going to make something work. We will compose a custom paper test on The Ideals of Fdr or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now In the event that it was not known, FDR was a warrior. He never abandoned the USA or ventured down significantly subsequent to being blasted by polio. A ton of his thoughts originated from his â€Å"brain trust†which was involved numerous guides of all unique back rounds and political convictions. He was continually keeping the American individuals educated with the condition of the legislature and economy through another creation prominently known as the radio. He would make a special effort to support the banks and would effectively uncover the US from underneath the pit that Hoover had burrowed and did nothing truly to uncover them other than establishing the framework for FDR to bring America again from the edge of complete breakdown. Utilizing the establishment laid by Hoover numerous Administrations, Acts, and even a few Corporations were set up and some place invited and others weren’t, yet FDR took the entirety of the achievement and disappointments and ensured it worked out for the American individuals and the world when WWII came around. His international strategy in WWII was particularly regarded and still is today since FDR would not release the violations of others unpunished. All things considered everything FDR did was for the best of this nation and the manner in which he took care of WWII both locally and abroad. At the point when FDR was chosen into office he was left with a significant chaos left by Herbert Hoover, however Hoover had left an extremely decent establishment to begin FDR’s well known â€Å"New Deal. †Programs during this time concentrated on making a decent attempt to help bring the US out of the Great Depression by chipping away at change, recuperation, and aid projects. A considerable lot of the projects set up by FDR originated from his â€Å"brain trust†which was FDR’s hover of counsels which went from democrats to republicans and even to progressives. This is the reason it appeared as though his standards were continually changing on the grounds that he was attempting to here from verybody to see which would work best to haul the US out of the filth. He began with beginning a bank occasion in which each bank in the US had to close so government authorities could come into every one of the banks and choose if the banks were fit to re-open for open use. So as to ensure the cash individuals put into the bank for safety's sake, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was made and this picked up the public’s utilization of the banks again on the grounds that they couldn't in any way, shape or form lose their cash on account of a bank coming up short in light of the fact that the administration supported up the cash 100%. The Securities and Exchange Commission Act was additionally executed to direct the financial exchange so another financial exchange crash could be kept away from. Numerous individuals couldn't help contradicting these financial strategies however in the event that they were alive they could see that these two government areas are still being used today on account of how compelling they have been consistently. FDR’s next objective was to give occupations to all the individuals who were jobless, which was about 25% of the whole populace. Projects to fix this issue were such similar to the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), which employed youthful grown-ups around 18 to plants tress and help the National Parks, the Public Works Administration (PWA), which contracted with private organizations to assemble streets, schools, medical clinics, and other government-esc structures, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TWA), which was set up to construct dams along the Tennessee River, and the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which was an organization that straightforwardly recruited individuals and furthermore cubicle laborers, for example, educators and attendants, and they likewise prepared incompetent specialists so they could perform explicit errands. Thinking back no one could even contend with these projects since it gave a huge number of occupations to the jobless which did substantially more great than awful. There was some contention over the TWA constraining individuals out of their homes yet it was to benefit the whole Tennessee River Valley so it was more essential than anything. , Numerous projects were greeted wholeheartedly like the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) which attempted to bring down the dispossession rate and made all the more long haul contract credits that made claiming a house increasingly conceivable, however there were programs like the National Recovery Administration (NRA) which needed to take out rivalry so all organizations could flourish, yet it distressed oorly in light of the fact that the little organizations were as yet eaten alive by the greater organizations, and another disliked program was the Resettlement Administration (otherwise known as Federal Security Administration), attempted to make cultivating progressively like the USSR wherein cultivating was progressively aggregate and constrained by the legislature yet the program was met by much obstruction both from Farmer’s and the Chamber of Commerce. In any case, on the off chance that it had not been for these disappointment than FDR would not have had the option to concoct the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which was the legislature paying ranchers not to create so the products available could be bought at a marginally more significant expense to endeavor to invigorate the economy. From the outset the Supreme Court killed the AAA, yet it was later brought back by congress in 1938 in light of the fact that it really helped ranchers and satisfied them. During the beginning of WWII when it was carefully in Europe and China, the USA turned out to be amazingly noninterventionist to where they even pulled out of Haiti and Nicaragua with the goal that they were associated with as meager outside clash as could reasonably be expected. The USA even would not offer weapons to Great Britain and France since they didn’t need to hazard getting maneuvered into a whole new World War once more. While the war propped up on the USA passed acts, for example, the Neutrality Acts which prohibited US residents from going on ships from remote countries that were in war with another nation and they restricted offering weapons to outside countries. FDR begged congress to permit the USA to in any event endeavor to help the partners battling in Europe since they were only that, the USA’s partners. Yet, congress continued turning down FDRs requests for help until he figured out how to persuade congress to take into consideration the principal Military draft and for the US to begin building and offering arms to the Allied forces. This was when FDR chose to run for a third term which he won by an embarrassing margin since individuals perceived how he had begun to enable the economy to develop a little bit at a time. In 1941, FDR got the Lend-Lease act to be affirmed. The Lend-Lease Act made it feasible for the US to completely help the Allies by giving them arms and weapons. So as to give these things to the Allies more employments must be made to deliver the weapons thus a large number of occupations were made which helped the economy out significantly more. The Lend-Lease Act likewise halted all exchange with Japan trying to demoralize them from proceeding with the monstrosities they were submitting over in China. This tragically incited Japan into propelling a preemptive strike on Pearl Harbor where more than 2000 assistance men lost their lives and around 200 airplanes were obliterated and 18 maritime boats were lost. FDR promptly mentioned an assertion of war in his acclaimed address to congress in which he cited the assault on Pearl Harbor as â€Å"a day that will live in ignominy. †FDR’s approach on nonintervention and afterward hard and fast war is an all around considered system considering the position the US was in. He needed to support GB and France frantically however Congress wouldn’t help him by any means. Be that as it may, he pushed and pushed till he at last succeeds and at last, helped the Allies push to triumph and conquer the most remarkable chances against them. Franklin Delano Roosevelt isn't just perhaps the best president the USA has ever had, yet he likewise had probably the most astute standards for how to fix the financial emergency the US has ever confronted, and afterward one of the most noticeably terrible emergency the world has ever looked in World War Two. His arrangements or making employments worked dissimilar to those of Hoover, and despite the fact that a portion of his projects fizzled, he gained from the disappointments just to make the effective projects much increasingly supportive and durable for the US. To top his monetary arrangements, his strategies on World War Two were far and away superior since he figured out how to remain independent toward the starting where he could in any case make occupations by staying away from the war and afterward joining the war when it was completely vital the US did, which eventually wound up hauling the USA out of the Great Depression regardless of whether he were not alive to see them win the war and there to see the Great Depression end because of all the great he accomplished for the USA. It's not possible for anyone to contend that his goals and arrangements were anything short of probably the best of any president. Step by step instructions to refer to The Ideals of Fdr, Essay models
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Divorce in Modern Society Essay - 1100 Words
Divorce in Modern Society (Essay Sample) Content: Divorce in Modern SocietyStudents Name:Institutional Affiliation:Divorce, also known as dissolution of marriage refers to the act of terminating a marital unification, cancellation of the legal responsibilities in marriage as well as dissolving the bonds that exist between two people who are married. Divorce process usually requires a legal process in which its laws vary around the globe. This paper seeks to provide information on divorce in the modern society. The aspects that contribute to divorce in the modern society and the impacts this process has on the society at large. It will render all the details on the divorce in the modern society starting from the origin to the impacts it has.The origin of divorce in relation to the modern society dates back more than 200 years (Newman, 2008). This is to the innovation of the idea of a marriage should be founded on mutual affection and love. The origins of divorce are the main aspects that led to the same relationship. These aspects include:PassionPersonal identityEmotionsSelf-validationReduction of emotional attachments. Obligations that are beyond the conjugal unit.The changes in the aspects mentioned above are the main reasons as to why divorce takes place in the modern society. These are the same aspects which lead to a relation, and they are the ones that lead to the dissolution of the same. Rapid changes in these factors make many families not to stick to each other anymore. The rules of marriage that were there in the olden days have changed, and this is what has contributed more to the occurrence of divorce cases today. The other thing is on the pressure for marriage. There are many young people who these days rush to marriage. There are parents, on the other hand, who push their kids to marriage. This is an issue that makes individuals get into marriage before making the right decisions or before they are ready for marital responsibilities. This is where misunderstanding and arguments st art leading to an eventual divorce. The other aspect which causes divorce in the modern society is a lack of preparation and thoughts for the future. There are those individuals who involve themselves in marriage without taking into consideration the responsibilities that come along with this step in life. It happens that after marriage there are other engagements such as taking care of a spouse and after some time the kids (Newman, 2008). At this point, there are those who cannot bear this situation making it hard for them to take up their responsibilities and perform their duties effectively. This similarly leads to frequent arguments and eventually a divorce process is undertaken. Divorce in the society has various impacts on various individuals. This is a process which has effects on men, on women and children. Children are the ones who are considered the most painful victims (Newman, 2008). This is because their minds and feelings are both affected. There are some kids who at t his point attempt to recede from any social interaction. This makes them to be immersed in their deep sadness resulting to the development of worry and fear. Children whose parents get divorced tend to isolate themselves hence developing fear and sadness. In turn also, there are kids who develop anger. To overcome the anger in them, they resort to doing drugs so that they can have a piece of mind. Such children have high chances of becoming antisocial. This antisocial feature is not healthy for kids because they will not learn how to relate to different people as well as how to treat them. The other effect on children is that it affects their studies. When parents get divorced, a big percentage of children are not able to concentrate fully on their studies. This is because their attention is diverted, and they think a lot regarding their parents and whether they will come back together again. The circumstances that surround a divorce, therefore, make it hard for children to work to wards achieving their goals. The effects on the men and women are not adverse compared to those of the kids. This is because most couples agree and decide to divorce. In agreeing, it is clear that both parties are okay with the decision. This is why it does not affect them that much. Conclusion From the data provided earlier, it is clear that there are many divorce actions are being taken in the modern society. The numeral of divorce petitions is increasing because there are a lot of changes undertaken when it comes to love and affection. The main thing is that these changes taking place are negative ones. The fact that the changes are negative explains why there is an increase in issues of divorce. RecommendationThere are diverse factors that have to be taken into contemplat...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
What Health Food Can Be And Do For You - 991 Words
What Health Food Can Be And Do For You What exactly do I perceive as health food? Health food is something that is raw or unpreserved, it is fresh from its’ natural environment. Fruits and vegetables straight from the ground or trees, lean meats, poultry, seafood, dairy, grains and legumes are all health foods, if prepared and portioned correctly. Healthy foods supply us with what we need to repair and sustain our bodies. Eating health food can provide us with positive physical and mental energy throughout our day. There are a few people who eat healthy food, still yet complain of feeling tired, moody, or irritable. This may be due to the fact of not getting enough nutrients during our meals because food is not being preparing in the correct ways, improper combining, or eating them during the wrong times of the day. The practice of trying to eat the right foods at the right time, with the correct portions and best preparation might sound like a burden for some, but can ea sily become a simple habit like it is for others. With some basic preparation, portion combining and meal timing strategies and tips, you may come to enjoy eating healthy. Once you start eating healthy you will increase your overall energy, while decreasing your stress, and improving your sleep, which overall will benefit your daily well-being. When you prepare a meal, do you ever consider at what temperature you are cooking at? Do you consider the weight and distribution of the food you are layingShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech : Genetically Modified Food1222 Words  | 5 Pagesmodified food. Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to take action against genetically modified food and realize the risks of GMO’s. INTRODUCTION A. Attention Gainer: What do you call a fish with no eyes?....a fsshhhh. Where do pencils go for vacation?.....Pencil-vania. What does a nosey pepper do? †¦.gets jalapeà ±o business. Jokes may be fun, but when it comes to genetically modified food there is no joking around. B. Reason to Listen: Genetically modified food can cause serious health issuesRead MoreIn The Introduction, To â€Å"Food As Thought: Resisting The1519 Words  | 7 PagesIn the Introduction, to â€Å"Food as Thought: Resisting the Moralization of Eating†, Mary Maxfield argues that food and the way we consume it isn’t something that should define the obesity epidemic in America. A controversial issue discussed has been whether we should have theories or ideas on which diet works best to increase weight loss or whether we should have any diets to begin with. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Manifest Destiny A Theory During The 19th Century
The Manifest Destiny was a theory during the 19th century that many Americans believed. They believed that they were destined by God to expand from coast to coast. Andrew Jackson’s concept of the Manifest Destiny lead to the Trial of Tears because he believed it was a God-given right to attain land so he was willing to do all in his power as a president to expand the United States. He was blessed with the opportunity to expand the United States due to the global wars that transpired between France and other countries. In some word Andrew Jackson was an opportunist when it came to expansion. He also believed that the Americans were supposed to obtain the land whatever the cost. The Manifest Destiny was a theory during the 19th century that many Americans believed. They believed that they were destined by God to expand from coast to coast. Many Americans believed that God blessed the growth of the American nation and demanded them to work on it. â€Å"Since they were sure of their cultural and racial superiority, they felt that their destiny was to spread their rule around and enlighten the nations that were not so lucky. Many Americans also believed that it was up to them to further develop the lifestyles of Native Americans. They also believed that the other races were incapable of technologically and spiritually advancing into the near future.†â€Å"This expansion would involve not merely territorial glorification but the progress of liberty and individual economic opportunity.†Show MoreRelatedManifest Destiny : Ideal Or Justification Essay883 Words  | 4 PagesManifest destiny: Ideal or Justification The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of U.S in 1803. But it is not enough for ambitious Americans, we are not satisfied, we wanted more territory. So western expansion did not end, it actually keep moved. 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Impact of Employee
Question: What are the Impact of Employee Motivation in Order to Improve in the Customer Service. Answer: This study deals with how employee motivation can help in the overall improvement in the customer service. It is important to create as well as maintain well-motivated work force to take the challenging task of the company. It is noticed that the confidence level of work force goes down by the constant rejection from the buyers in everyday business activities. Problem Statement The main aim of McDonalds is to improve in the service quality as well as increase the productivity of the company. This includes improving in the morale of employees as well as motivation. Research Objectives To identify the current employee motivation strategies To identify the motivation factors of employees at Mc Donalds To understand the requirements of customers To introduce strategies on employee motivation to bring an improvement in the customer service as well as overall performance of the employees. Research Questionnaire What are the motivation strategies on employees in McDonald? What are the motivation factors of employees? What are the views of customers regarding the employees of McDonald? What are the employee motivation strategies that can improve in the customer service as well as overall performance of employees? Literature Review It is important to motivate the employees for an effective management practices. It is required to develop motivation by the managers and treat them as responsible individuals (Rawat, 2015). It is essential that the managers undertake reward system to the employees who are hard working and remain focus in the work (Dunning, 2011). A flexible workplace will help employees to come up with innovative ideas and communicate with higher authorities as well. It is noticed that with authority, an employee can work more within an organization (Vnou?kov and Klupkov, 2013). Empowerment has the power to motivate hard working employees to work more in the related organization in an effective manner. Managers help in promoting new ways in the corporate entrepreneurship. Transparent communication must be prevailing in the work environment that will enable employees to come with innovative views as well as opinion in relation with revenue generation (Panther and Radden, 2011). Mangers need to evaluate between the job scope as well as job depth that includes Job Enlargement, Job Rotation as well as Job Enrichment. Job Enlargement helps in increasing in the number of tasks in an effective manner (Farkas, 2011). It does not help in maintaining quality and is monotony in nature. Job Rotation implies assigning people with different jobs on a temporary basis. It will bring an exposure in the employees and it will help in high level of contributions in matters relating interest as well as enthusiasm. Job Enrichment implies that the employees are given more responsibility as well as authority in a particular work. It helps in increasing in the morale as well as performance. The role of the managers is to properly train its employees with the roles as well as responsibilities that will help them to perform in a better manner. Employee redressal programs should be conducted where employees can come up with their problems and grievances. This issues need to be solved at an urgent level as it can hamper the productivity of the company on an adverse manner. In any business practice, it is important to consider good customer service. It will help in offering promotions in order to bring the company back to profit gaining with the passage of time. It is required for the company to retain the existing customers, as it is cost effective as compared to acquisition of new customers (Fernandez and Pitts, 2011). It is important to make the customers happy with the services and get positive feedback. It is important to appoint motivated salesperson who can sell everything to the potential customers. It is essential to build a healthy relationship between the customers as well employees. The first step is to answer the phone in proper manner with maintaining good quality tone (Klusmeier, 2011). Most of the managers use the reward system in order to reinforce in the behavior of employees. Reward helps in bringing a sense of positivism in the minds of the employees and tends to work more that enable revenue generation in the future course of business activities (Gitomer, n.d.). Organization tries to provide reward system to the hard working employees. Rewards are of two types that includes extrinsic rewards as well as intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards are typically for the higher-level managers (etinkaya, 2011). Some of the examples include bonus pay, promotions, and office fixtures. It is important to encourage employee by providing monetary rewards (Klusmeier, 2011). It is important to note that when customers feel appreciated or handled with a lot of respect, they will always come back to the company selling then goods or offering them services since they will develop some level of attachment to the firm (Hagen, 2012). It is therefore important to not only train employees on how best to handle them but also the state of mind that they should be in. Microsoft company, for example ensures sufficient employee motivation which translates to good customer handling in a number of ways (Korzynski, 2013). Mikkelsen, (2015) believe that the strategy of letting employees form small groups which work for around 14 hours is one way that the company maintains the workers productive and properly motivated. When employees do not feel overworked they tend to view all decisions taken by their superiors positively and their positive attitude is in most cases transferred to how they treat their customers (Manzoor, 2012). There is therefore a close relationsh ip between employee satisfaction and great customer service. Good motivation does not always involve offering monetary incentives. It is always advisable to also use gifts whenever employees are doing well. This has also worked well for most of the multinational organizations such as Microsoft company (Pinder, 2014). Steps such as hosting dinner parties and rewarding employees with company branded commodities is important when it comes to making them feel like they truly belong to the companies (Latham, 2012). Employees differ, and in values. There are those who may feel like they are being bribed whenever monetary incentives are handed to them. Hence, when employees are motivated through incentives such as gifts they may get satisfied and have as a result become more productive in their endeavors. Unquestionably, when employees are happy with the company as a result of feeling recognized through gifts, they will most of the time also strive to give their best when it comes to service delivery to their clients. It is important for companies not to avoid the personal lives of the employees. When for example a company employee is faced with a tragedy, company support goes a long way in enhancing their commitment in achieving the organizations objectives. Nelson (2012) believes that a when employees are supported by companies when in serious needs, several of their customers develop a positive attitude towards the firm and this scenario might in fact lead to better sales and service provision. The success of Chromedia can also be attributed to this method of employee motivation. The company has been known for some of best motivational practices such as catering for their employees medical expenses and even extending to the families of their employees (, 2017). Due to the advanced technology of today, it is prudent for companies that want to be successful to show genuine concern for not only their employees but also customers (Sultan, 2012). Such steps lead to better relationship b etween the company and its employees and by extension its customers who will develop loyalty to the organizations. An analysis of Mcdonalds motivational techniques and results hence can give some insight on what companies need to do in order to ensure proper employee motivation. Methodology Sampling Frame Research is based mainly on the primary data. As far as random sampling method is concerned, it is used as a primary data collection. This method implies selection of random 10 McDonalds in the country (Panther and Radden, 2011). By this method, it helps in randomly selecting 100 customers and understanding their needs as well as requirements for the research purpose. Data collection Research is based upon both primary as well as secondary data that is collected from books, informal discussions and journals (Vnou?kov and Klupkov, 2013). Questionnaire provides the relevant information as per the objectives. The survey is effectively conducted among 100 employees as well as customers. Data Analysis Employee survey According to the survey, it was noticed that 75% of chefs were not satisfied with the working hours. The cashier was comfortable with the working hours but around 53% are female workers. There is difficulty faced by the female workers in order to match with the shift requirements in relation with the available working shifts. The survey pointed that most of the employees are not satisfied with the salary structure (Poli, 2010). Around 25% of chefs are showing interest towards the bonus rendered to the employees on special occasions. Around half of the employees are happy with the career advancement opportunities. It is important to investigate in further low satisfaction level by the employees working under the company. Customer survey In the survey, 100 customers were interviewed in order to under their needs as well as expectation. Around 69% of customers were satisfied with the services rendered by McDonald. This further implies that 26% are not satisfied and the remaining 5% are in neutral position (Rawat, 2015). As far as quality of the product is concerned, the customer were satisfied and showed a percentage of around 78%. Around 82% of customers were satisfied with the price of the product. Recommendation It is advisable to the company to revise in the rewarding scheme in order to accommodate with the requirements of the team members. It is important to view at the amount of economic benefits that will help in ensuring a win-to-win situation concerning both employees as well as employer. It is important to check on the issue related to high workload for female cashiers on an urgent manner. It is advisable to indulge in new technology in order to reduce in the overall workload of the employees for the future course of business activities. It is advisable to check on the new shift working that will include the general shifts as well. This shift will help the female employees working in McDonald. It is important to provide a healthy working environment especially for the female workers. It is essential to conduct proper training programs in order to enhance the knowledge as well as skills of the chefs for future business activities. Conclusion At the end of the study, it is noticed that rewarding strategies helps in improving the productivity of the overall business enterprise. One of the issues that were noticed in the current system is the biasness towards the management. It needed to take into account with the requirement as per the members of the team. The above fact was essentially proved by the methodology conduced with the help of questionnaire as well as interviews. It is further noticed that around 37% of cashiers were happy with the salary structure. As far as managers are concerned, 100% are happy with the amount of salary received by them. In case of benefits, around 75% of managers had shown dissatisfaction in the survey. It is essential that McDonald need to promote its team members to higher position that will motivate them to work more in the particular designation. With the available record, it is easy to understand that chefs as well as managers are not working for more number of years in the company. The chefs and managers can be promoted to higher position so that they get employee recognition while working in the company. On the other hand, managers are not happy with the fact that they do not get employee recognition in the company. They should be promoted to higher levels as in case of operational managers for the same. Reference List etinkaya, A. (2011). The Impact of Employee Motivation on Emotional Commitment: Research Undertaken in a Five-Star Hotel.Journal of Transnational Management, 16(3), pp.149-156. (2017).Systematic problem solving - Chromedia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Aug. 2017]. 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